Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Manly in the Garden of Good and Evil

Manly has been smelling like rosemary lately. The boy has been serenading him to the melody of Prince's "Raspberry Beret," now remixed to "Rosemary Manly." Manly seems to like it. His favorite place is the english garden of the house we're staying at in San Miguel de Allende (SMA). Find pictures of the house here.

SMA is in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. With its temperate climate and its enviable status as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it has become a magnet for many New Yorkers, artist types and retirees. Checkout more tidbits and lovely pictures of the city.

But more about Manly...you'll find him napping in full sun on a green patch surrounded by midsummer's flora or sniffing the fragrant herbs planted next to the barbecue. 

The garden is good because the dogs have their own space and freedom and evil because it's an all you can eat Sizzler's with a toxic salad bar...rosemary, for example, laurel, chamomile, spanish thyme, queen's lace, english ivy, avocado, even tasty cat poop and other garden variety plants make it a potentially lethal menu. The tipoff to possible foul play? Both dogs have had bouts of upset bellies: Biela looks like she's wearing a pair of chinos and there was a brown tail playing the trouser trumpet for quite some time behind a bush. 

We're increasing the survellance on these 2. For now, happy to report that noses are still cold and wet and tails still happily wagging. (Find all ridiculously cute photos of both the M&B

the secret door to mayhem
Spot the sleepy kitty, hidden manly?
sleeping without blinking
rosemary manly

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