Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On Thinking

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." -William Shakespeare


Elaine Clayton said...

My English father-in-law is so great at quoting Shakespeare, I'm glad you posted this!

White Shell Girl said...

The bard of avon! -- a man ahead of his times. A wealth of a creativity much like yourself ;)

Posts said...

This reminds me of a book I used to keep with my poetry books. I believe it was a 1972 US Army Survival guide. It told soldiers how to find food in the desert, build shelter in a rain forest, and much more. But it started with poetry that I appreciated and went something like: "Nature is neither your friend, nor your enemy, it will not try to help you or to hurt you." It was like "A Man said to the Universe" by Stephen Crane but followed by an instruction manual on what to do to survive after coming to terms with that. It missed some important survival stuff like love, friends, and family but I was able to get that from other poetry books.

White Shell Girl said...

hola Randy. What a wonderful comment. Maybe the manual needs some updating or yet to be written ;) I would love to have something like this. Ha!


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